Strategic Plan Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How does the OF&S strategic plan relate to the President's strategic plan?

A: The President's strategic plan will serve the campus community for 10 years. To better direct the focus and project work of OF&S, the division developed a complimentary strategic plan. Those developing the plan heard direct feedback from Rice's executive leadership team to better understand the vision and goals for Rice for the next 10 years. Additionally, the executive leadership team reviewed and approved the finalized OF&S strategic plan before its publication.

Q: What is the timeframe for implementing the OF&S strategic plan?

A: The strategic plan for OF&S is meant to focus on the future of the division for five years. The plan was developed during the Fall 2023 semester and was finalized for publication in March 2024.

Q: How often will the plan be updated?

A: The plan was created with a five-year timeframe in mind and is not expected to undergo significant revisions to its mission, vision, goals, or objectives. However, OF&S is committed to operating with flexibility and being adaptive to the needs of our customers. If updates occur, the community will be notified through Fast Five articles.

Q: How was the strategic plan created?

A: The plan was created by members of OF&S. A working group of members from every OF&S unit. Working group members heard feedback directly from students, faculty, deans, staff, executive leaders, and board members. This feedback was leveraged to create draft goal and objective statements. The OF&S leadership team finalized the working groups’ draft statements to create the finalized plan.

Q: Can I submit questions related to OF&S's strategic support?

A: Yes, visit our “Tell Us What You Think” page to submit questions or to share your thoughts and ideas. This inbox is monitored by the Office of Operational Excellence and Engagement, who will promptly respond to your inquiry.